

泰勒的回答: 我们知道你的孩子是你生命中最重要的东西. 根据北卡罗来纳州的法律, the “polar star” of custody cases are the best interests of the minor child. 我们将重点关注这方面, 加上孩子生活的其他方面,包括健康, 教育, 社会互动, 宗教信仰和其他任何对你作为父母来说很重要的方面. We will work together on a custody schedule for you and the other parent if that other parent is fit to have time with your child. 在某些情况下, we are able to work out an entire custody schedule without the involvement of the court.  However, in other cases, we seek the assistance of the court to order a custodial schedule. 在法庭审理你的监护权案件之前, you will have to attend mediation with the other parent absent circumstances of domestic violence. Finally you will receive a court order outlining the custodial schedule of your child. Thank you for considering the 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所 in your search for a custody attorney. 
- Taylor Clay是Woodruff家庭法律集团的律师


卡洛琳的回答是: 皇冠足彩税问题可能令人困惑.  We’re here today to discuss child support and whether or not it’s deductible. 孩子的抚养费,你能扣除吗? No!  It is never a deductible item, and it is never included in income (that’s the good part). However, the issue with regard to child support is usually dependency exemptions. 谁获得抚养豁免?  Well, under the internal revenue code and the North Carolina Child Support Guidelines, the person with the most overnights usually gets the dependency exemptions. 现在,法院可以重新分配,但这是通常情况. So what if you’re paying child support and you want the dependency exemptions and the other parent is willing to let you have them or you’ve negotiated for them somehow? Then you MUST have—and I say must and underline it—form 8332 signed by the parent with the most overnights. 你必须把这个附在你的所得税申报表上, 否则, the internal revenue service is not going to recognize the dependency exemptions. And you might want to consider if you’re particularly high income and you want the dependency exemptions, 确保它们对你有好处, because there are phase outs at high income numbers for dependency exemptions.  换句话说,你失去了他们. For this, or any other family law matter, please contact us here at 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所. 
– Carolyn Woodruff is a Family Law Specialist, North Carolina CPA, and Certified Business Valuator


杰西卡的回答: I would like to share with you some basic child support laws in North Carolina. 在北卡罗来纳州有两种基本的子女抚养费案件. The first are guideline child support cases, and the second are non-guideline child support cases. Guideline child support is appropriate when the parents have a combined annual income of $300,000或以下. In those cases the guidelines will publish a chart indicating the amount of monthly child support to be paid. 你和孩子一起过夜的次数是关键. 如果你每年和孩子过夜超过123次, then your expenses incurred while the child is in your care are taken into consideration. 其他费用,如医疗保险, 与工作相关的日托费用, 特别费用也要考虑在内. 在伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所的初步咨询中, we will sit down with you and can go through the amount of child support that you may expect to either pay or receive as a rough estimate depending upon your situation.  Thank you for taking the time to review this child support information with us.  More information on child support or any other family law issue can be found on our website. 
杰西卡·布洛克是一名律师 & 皇冠足彩app的家庭法专家


卡洛琳的回答是: We all know that grandparents and grandchildren have very special relationships, 我们想确保你的安全. There are two times that you may need court assistance with regard to 你的孙子ren: one would be if a parent becomes unfit.  如果父母双方都不能照顾孩子, 你的孙子, 不管出于什么原因——可能是精神疾病, 可能是酗酒, drug addiction or any other reasons then you have the right to seek custody through the court for 你的孙子ren. 我们可以帮你.  And there’s another time that you may need help on Grandparent visitation rights.  如果他们不让你见你的孙子呢? 如果你的孩子, 亲生父母, 正在经历皇冠足彩, 他们不让你见你的孙子, you have the right to ask the court for a visitation schedule for yourself. And, you have to have a substantial relationship with 你的孙子ren; that’s the primary thing you’ll need to show.  And we’ll show that with your family photo albums and other similar information.  For this or any other family law matter, please contact us here at 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所. 
– Carolyn Woodruff is a Family Law Specialist, North Carolina CPA, and Certified Business Valuator



卡洛琳的回答是: Seven Nights of Santa is a beautifully illustrated children’s book designed to deal with the problems that children in divided households have to deal with at Christmas. 我的丈夫, 德怀特Ensley, 和我是这本书的合著者, 灵感来自绿眼睛船长, 谁是真的?, stuffed, 他出生那天就被送给他的黑色小猫. Captain Green Eyes, along with the Cupcake buddies make a trip to the North Pole to see Santa Claus. 这次旅行的目的就是解决这个问题, mom doesn’t live in the same household and dad doesn’t live in the same household, 为什么我们不能让圣诞老人在不同的晚上去两家呢. 圣诞老人认为这会让驯鹿太累, so Captain Green Eyes and the Cupcake Buddies say well we’ll haul the sleigh with the biplane, 驯鹿可以坐雪橇.  说到这里, children can have Captain Green Eyes and Santa come on seven different nights so mom doesn’t have to be left out if dad has Christmas Eve and dad doesn’t have to be left out if mom has Christmas Eve. 而且祖父母也可以有一个晚上.  Come with us on the journey of Captain Green Eyes and the Seven Nights of Santa
– Carolyn Woodruff is a Family Law Specialist, North Carolina CPA, and Certified Business Valuator